Teak Bookends

I will read anything that is well written enough to waste precious life time on. I tend to prefer Science-Fiction/Fantasy, History (Asia, all of it), philosophy (by anyone intelligent enough to be considered a thinker), and anything that might help me further cultivate my mind and provide me with a good laugh.
January 2014
reviewed: Dated, Still Relevant
The last great finical debacle, the one in 2007, is still affecting people the world over, but the affect is still heavy in A...
Small Is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered - E.F. Schumacher
January 2014
reviewed: Devil Dogs in Space
I read a little awhile go a blog by an author of science-fiction that called for a return to hard science-fiction. They wante...
Semper Mars - Ian Douglas
January 2014
reviewed: Sagely Perspectives
During my time at KU I took a class on Confucius (from here on, Kongzi). While it’s focus was the great sage’s teachings, it ...
Lives of Confucius: Civilization's Greatest Sage Through the Ages - Michael Nylan, Thomas Wilson
December 2013
reviewed: Funny is Hard on Paper
A co-worker of mine was taking out things in his locker, preparing to go home for the day. He placed many of his things on th...
Bossypants - Tina Fey
reviewed: Action Fantasy ( A review for all four books)
In today’s world of speculative fiction there are several different genres of fantasy. Though I can remember the days when th...
The Briar King  - Greg Keyes
December 2013
text: When I Was Young I Had a Tiger
Back in the 80’s, when I was a kid, I loved the Sunday comics. They were funnier then. I liked Garfield, he was funnier then ...
November 2013
read and rated
reviewed: A Species Divided Will Not Stand
“Decades from now, people will look back and wonder how societies could have acquiesced in a sex slave trade in the twenty-fi...
Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide - Nicholas D. Kristof, Sheryl WuDunn
November 2013
reviewed: Ishmael He is Not
When I read Daniel Quinn’s Ishmael I was given a clear view of the importance of human beings reconnecting with the idea that...
The Story of B: An Adventure of the Mind and Spirit - Daniel Quinn
October 2013
text: Diversity in Speculative Fiction: Is Required without Social Politics
Ever since my mother read The Hobbit to me as a bedtime story I thought about writing my own fantasy novel. As the years went...
October 2013
text: I Never Played D&D
I have been a huge fan of The Big Bang Theory for awhile now and recently was working my way through the sixth season in prep...
October 2013
reviewed: Fantasy Noir
I like dark fantasy and I can not lie. You other readers out there might deny the lure of a good dark fantasy but for many th...
September 2013
reviewed: When Standing Alone Matters
I have lived my life always being an outsider. I don’t mean that I am hated, or unaccepted by people, but never quite fitting...
September 2013
We’re happy to announce that Kobo books are available on BookLikes. Kobo is the book source of over 3.5 million titles. It...
reviewed: There is a Reason
Ever since I was young I was curious about what made people do what they did. I wanted to know why people thought the way the...